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Customer reviews

Beautiful bowls, great quality and super-fast delivery! It couldn't be better - thank you very much!

Katja Verified

Very nice item, quick delivery! I'm very satisfied

Claudia Verified

Great article, let's see what else I need

Bernd Verified

Great hooks, beautifully crafted and exactly as described

Anne Verified

Beautiful bowls, great quality and super-fast delivery! It couldn't be better - thank you very much!

Katja Verified

Very nice item, quick delivery! I'm very satisfied

Claudia Verified

Great article, let's see what else I need

Bernd Verified

Great hooks, beautifully crafted and exactly as described

Anne Verified

About Us

Gall&Zick is a family-run company, now in its second generation, in the wholesale and retail trade in the areas of gift-giving, living and gardening.

After over 20 years as a wholesaler, through which we are able to supply stores all over Europe, we also run an online shop with a focus on our own design of colorful and cheerful items. We are constantly developing new ideas for the gift area and want to continue to create unusual items so that we can always offer something special.

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