Fröhlicher geht's nicht: Mit unseren handbemalten Eierbechern "Happy" wird das Frühstück zum Kunstwerk! Jedes Stück ist ein Unikat mit wunderschönem Landschaftsmotiv. So macht das Eierschlemmen doppelt Spaß!
Couldn't load pickup availability
Hand painted
Made with love
Fast delivery
Sofort versandfertig, Lieferzeit ca. 1-3 Werktage
Product information
Product information
scope of delivery: 2 Stück
Dimensions: Höhe 4.5 cm Breite 4.5 cm Tiefe 4.5 cm
Care instructions: spülmaschinenfest und mikrowellentauglich

frequently asked Questions
How long does delivery take?
How long does delivery take?
Can I return something if I don't like it?
Can I return something if I don't like it?
Are the dishes suitable for the dishwasher?
Are the dishes suitable for the dishwasher?
What should I do if my product arrives damaged or not as expected?
What should I do if my product arrives damaged or not as expected?
Our classics